Property Info Things To Do Restaurants Events & Shows Theme Parks Transportation Telehealth Other Filters All categories All categories Property Info Things To Do Attractions Beauty/Spa Services Bike Tours & Rentals Boat Tours & Rentals Camping & Hiking Culinary/Food Tours Fishing Historic/Sightseeing Tours Snow Sports Water Sports Museum Other Cooking/Chefs Restaurants Events & Shows Sports Baseball Basketball Football Ice Hockey Theme Parks Transportation Telehealth Other Instant booking: Any Instant booking: Any Only instant booking No instant booking Most Rated New Listings first Sort by distance Sort by relevance Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Highest Rated Most Rated Least Rated Show results Show map Orchids & Alligators Kayak Eco Tour - 3hrs $109.95 / activity Aquaterra Excursions Private Orchids & Alligators Kayak Eco Tour - 3hrs $129.95 / activity Aquaterra Excursions Guided Swamp Walk - 3hrs $99.95 / activity Aquaterra Excursions Guided Trail Walk - 3hrs $99.95 / activity Aquaterra Excursions Dolphin, Birding, and Shelling Tour - 2hrs $89.95 / activity Aquaterra Excursions 10,000 Island Excursion - 3.5hrs $149.95 / activity Aquaterra Excursions 10,000 Island Shelling Tour - 2hrs $89.95 / activity Aquaterra Excursions Private Fishing Trip - 4hrs $475 / activity Aquaterra Excursions 1 Hour 10,000 Island Dolphin Tour $27 / activity Aquaterra Excursions Family Fun Boating, Shelling, and Fishing Trip - 4hrs $475 / activity Aquaterra Excursions Cocohatchee River/Wiggins Pass - 2hrs $75 / activity Nauti Exposures Sunset at Cocohatchee River/Wiggins Pass - 2hrs $75 / activity Nauti Exposures Single Kayak Rental - 2hrs $50 / activity Nauti Exposures Tandem Kayak Rental - 2hrs $60 / activity Nauti Exposures St. Armands Circle Stroll & Taste Tour - 3hrs $79.95 / activity Key Culinary Tours Ghosts & Gruesomes - 75mins $18.95 / activity Key Culinary Tours Venice Shark's Teeth Tour (Includes a bite!)- 3.5hrs $49.95 / activity Key Culinary Tours Anna Maria Island Beach Life Food Tour- 3hrs $84.95 / activity & up Key Culinary Tours Downtown Sarasota Dinner Tour - 3hrs $79.95 / activity Key Culinary Tours Wild Women of Anna Maria Island- 90mins $29.95 / activity Key Culinary Tours Wild Women of Sarasota - 90mins $24.95 / activity Key Culinary Tours Family Fun On Lido Beach! - 1.5hrs $34.95 / activity Key Culinary Tours Diving Group Swimming with Mantees-3hrs $28 / person Seadaddys Adventures Classic Semi-Private-Swimming with Manatees - 3hrs $65 / activity Seadaddys Adventures $109.95 / activity Orchids & Alligators Kayak Eco Tour - 3hrs Aquaterra Excursions $109.95 / activity $129.95 / activity Private Orchids & Alligators Kayak Eco Tour - 3hrs Aquaterra Excursions $129.95 / activity $99.95 / activity Guided Swamp Walk - 3hrs Aquaterra Excursions $99.95 / activity $99.95 / activity Guided Trail Walk - 3hrs Aquaterra Excursions $99.95 / activity $89.95 / activity Dolphin, Birding, and Shelling Tour - 2hrs Aquaterra Excursions $89.95 / activity $149.95 / activity 10,000 Island Excursion - 3.5hrs Aquaterra Excursions $149.95 / activity $89.95 / activity 10,000 Island Shelling Tour - 2hrs Aquaterra Excursions $89.95 / activity $475 / activity Private Fishing Trip - 4hrs Aquaterra Excursions $475 / activity $27 / activity 1 Hour 10,000 Island Dolphin Tour Aquaterra Excursions $27 / activity $475 / activity Family Fun Boating, Shelling, and Fishing Trip - 4hrs Aquaterra Excursions $475 / activity $75 / activity Cocohatchee River/Wiggins Pass - 2hrs Nauti Exposures $75 / activity $75 / activity Sunset at Cocohatchee River/Wiggins Pass - 2hrs Nauti Exposures $75 / activity $50 / activity Single Kayak Rental - 2hrs Nauti Exposures $50 / activity $60 / activity Tandem Kayak Rental - 2hrs Nauti Exposures $60 / activity $79.95 / activity St. Armands Circle Stroll & Taste Tour - 3hrs Key Culinary Tours $79.95 / activity $18.95 / activity Ghosts & Gruesomes - 75mins Key Culinary Tours $18.95 / activity $49.95 / activity Venice Shark's Teeth Tour (Includes a bite!)- 3.5hrs Key Culinary Tours $49.95 / activity $84.95 / activity & up Anna Maria Island Beach Life Food Tour- 3hrs Key Culinary Tours $84.95 / activity & up $79.95 / activity Downtown Sarasota Dinner Tour - 3hrs Key Culinary Tours $79.95 / activity $29.95 / activity Wild Women of Anna Maria Island- 90mins Key Culinary Tours $29.95 / activity $24.95 / activity Wild Women of Sarasota - 90mins Key Culinary Tours $24.95 / activity $34.95 / activity Family Fun On Lido Beach! - 1.5hrs Key Culinary Tours $34.95 / activity $28 / person Diving Group Swimming with Mantees-3hrs Seadaddys Adventures $28 / person $65 / activity Classic Semi-Private-Swimming with Manatees - 3hrs Seadaddys Adventures $65 / activity Displaying listings 673 - 696 of 1000 in total ← Previous 1 2 … 28 29 30 … 41 42 Next →